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Working with Salesforce Analytics Extension Pack — Part 2

In the previous blog post we have seen how to install Salesforce Analytics Extension Pack and checked the installation. In continuation to the previous post lets check all the commands available in the APP section.


analytics:app:create create an analytics application
analytics:app:decouple  decouples an analytics application from an analytics template
analytics:app:delete delete analytics applications
analytics:app:display displays an analytics application’s details
analytics:app:list list analytics applications
analytics:app:update updates an analytics application from a template
analytics:app:decouple will be used to decouple the app from the template. The syntax to use can be found be just getting the help from command prompt. i.e. sfdx analytics:app:decouple –help
Ex: sfdx analytics:app:decouple -f folderId -t templateId
NOTE: folderId can be found using the REST explorer from the workbench.


Open the command prompt and execute the following command.
sfdx analytics:app:decouple -f 00l2x000000pbebAAA -t 0Nk2x0000004FtHCAU


It will decouple the analytics template from the application.

template decoupled

analytics:app:delete will be used to delete the app. In case if you have any dependencies it will show the dependencies in the command prompt while executing the command.
Ex: sfdx analytics:app:delete -f 00l2x000000pbebAAA

app delete

when we remove the dependencies and try to delete the app Now you can see successful deletion.

app delete success

analytics:app:display is used to displays an analytics application’s details.
Ex: sfdx analytics:app:display -f 00l2x000000pZPbAAM


analytics:app:list will list all the analytics applications.
Ex: sfdx analytics:app:list


analytics:app:update will be used to updates an analytics application from a template.
Ex: sfdx analytics:app:update -f 00l2x000000pbebAAA -t 0Nk2x0000004FtHCAU
I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog post. Please let me know if there are any questions/correction. Thank You.